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Anti Doping News

June 15, 2022

Anti-Doping Policy

by Lyn Robinson


Anti-doping is an important part of all National Governing Body’s responsibility. British Fencing take a clear lead on many aspects, however, as the NGB here in Wales, there are some crucial actions that we ne need to take to ensure that all Welsh Fencers are aware of the responsibilities on them, and where information and support can be accessed.

WF have engaged with UKAD and we are continuing to work closely with our UK NGB, British Fencing on the requirements of the UKAD Assurance Framework.

January 06, 2023

Anti-Doping Update

by Mark Ridsdale

This message is going to all ADP fencers. This information is relevant to coaches, parents, and other supporters so please pass it on.

Check medications: The World Anti-Doping Agency’s 2023 Prohibited List came into effect on 1 January 2023

We are getting in touch to remind you that the 2023 Prohibited List has been released by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and came into effect on 1 January 2023.

If you have any questions on the Prohibited List or a medication you may be using, please contact substance@ukad.org.uk.

Please see the British Fencing anti-doping page at https://www.britishfencing.com/policy-zone/anti-doping-2/

Also note the new online anti-doping education course, Compete Clean, created by UKAD and available on the Clean Sport Hub https://www.ukad.org.uk/cleansporthub

For any questions about the anti-doping information and education, please ask me. For any anti-doping questions that need a medical or technical opinion please email British Fencing’s Medical Officer, Clare Halsted (clarehalsted@blueyonder.co.uk).

Welsh Fencing Limited is a company limited by guarantee no 7583044. Registered in England & Wales.

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Registered office: Welsh Fencing, Sport Wales National Centre, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff CF11 9SW

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